Hello life,

Let’s pretend that I am a normal lady, who is able to distinguish from what is to what could be. To all those teen years and early 20s, the nights you spent stargazing, worrying about life and all the problems…
Let’s pretend that I am a normal lady, who is able to distinguish from what is to what could be. To all those teen years and early 20s, the nights you spent stargazing, worrying about life and all the problems…
A word so subtle, face so innocent, an act of kindness with a vicious intent, strong intuition, a negative thought; that’s all it took for me to create the space so vast that could fit my own little self made…
As I begin to dive deeper in the books and the words of different spiritual author, I learn to re-align my mind giving me the million reasons to open my eyes and just be present. I no longer feel or…
There is no denying that I saw you in the crowd, the room full of people, vivid colors, vivid dreams, new ambitions, aiming for the shooting stars. Naive and innocence could define each one of us, yet so profound in…
While everything else was happening this year, I decided to do the Yoga Teacher training course online. I was apprehensive about it in the beginning as this is something personal and I really wanted to be physically present to these…
As crazy as this may sound, I did not think of travelling this year due to multiple reasons Covid-19 being one. 🙂 But it happened, everything happened so fast. I cannot believe I have already travelled this beautiful island and…
With a smile on my face and heart filled with joy, I asked myself what changed? The answer is nothing. Everything is same, time flies and I cannot emphasize this enough. Every time I think of writing a blog, I…
Everyone knows Tik Tok or someone who uses Tik Tok. Tik Tok has undeniably grabbed attention of everyone. I never imagined myself using their platform until last year but it changed. Even though Gen Z and late millennials were already…
Thought of multiple ways to start this journal here today. Took me nearly two hours, deletion of multiple files on my mac which was no longer serving me in any way, to finally decide on start typing here. Actually, took…
Today’s topic: Rush The urge of completion, achievement, affirmation driving the path of our lives. Have you ever asked yourself what do you really want or even dream of anything? As I laid down and expressed what I felt, I…
If voices echoed… If I call out would you hear? If I give out would you listen? If I cry would you be there? If I smile would you be there? If I win would you be happy? If I…
Let’s not meet, when it’s dark. “Ambiguity”: Word of the day. I guess this comes with no surprise as I choose to speak my mind, I am also shy and unconvincingly introvert. It is funny. Despise the word “Materialistic”? Here…